Risk Adjustment Software with AI
Perfect Your RAF Scores and Boost HCC Coding Accuracy
Perfect Your RAF Scores and Boost HCC Coding Accuracy
ForeSee ESP® software increases your RAF value capture and boosts HCC coding productivity by up to 10x. With advanced disease detection algorithms and AI-driven NLP, it seamlessly processes your patient data, identifying diseases from text notes and EHR data you already have to provide real-time HCC risk adjustment insights integrated directly into your EHR at the point of care.
A sample of EHRs we integrate with:
“Finally, our claims reflect the accurate disease burden of our value-based care population.”
Dr. Wade Brosius
Group Medical Director, PMSI
Royersford, PA
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Prospective decision support and retrospective review options ensure your Medicare risk adjustment coding is evidence-based and accurate. Improve your compliance, reduce work during sweep timeframes, and eliminate clerical bottlenecks by coding correctly at the point of care. Make life easier with clinical decision support at the time of the encounter, or before. Because it always feels great to do something right the first time.
We know you think in terms of disease and not codes or risk adjustment categories, so our proprietary disease detection algorithm thinks the same way. Once a disease is detected, the coding and RAF scoring is easy. You get the recommended code for the disease and our HCC coding tool matches it to the risk adjustment category for scoring. Isn’t it nice when you can keep things simple?
Developed by physicians and coders just like you, ForeSee ESP is cloud-based, designed to work on any device, and integrate seamlessly with your EHR. Simplify confusing codes (SNOMED to ICD10) and process your patient data in just about any format, including the latest FHIR APIs. Get decision support and using ForeSee’s exclusive InstaVu® feature, click links tracking the evidence back to the patient chart, including data extracted from text (PDF) notes. All presented in a streamlined, easy to understand format. Just the way you like it.
“ForeSee pays for itself through labor-savings alone. The compliance benefits and revenue optimization are just easy bonuses.”
Dr. Tom Davis
Consultant on Full-Risk Insurance Contracting
St. Louis, MO
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Learn how this ForeSee client's strong performance led to its acquisition, resulting in a year-long EHR transition that temporarily paused services. Explore the impact on RAF scores before and after the transition.
“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it again?”
Our Executive Chairman and CEO are both board certified physicians and understand complex workflows. In our last venture, we listened carefully to the needs of healthcare professionals, and invented the first cloud-based EHR with touch technology on the iPad. It simplified the way providers interact with their patient’s health record and was top-rated by Medical Economics Magazine. This time around, you get the benefits of valuable lessons we’ve learned, our team knows how to transform complex workflows into a simple interface.
Questions about our web-based software, features, pricing, or anything else?
We’ve reached the age of information overload. For many physicians it’s impossible to wade through months or years of medical records to determine the current disease burden / risk score of a patient. With ForeSee ESP, we do the reading for you, extracting clinical events and linking them to the original documentation, a real time saver. Clinical decision support is updated real-time so it’s available and accurate when you need it most - at the point of care. Your choice of the best ICD10 code is easy because the “likely used” codes are linked to the diseases you diagnose.
If you’re a coding expert, then you’ve probably observed many different workflows related to supporting the HCC coding effort. The good news is, we support both prospective and retrospective workflows. If you plan on adopting a prospective model, we make it easy for coders to help the physician plan for the upcoming encounter. Communication tools make the transmission of coding advice simple. Work lists and reports augment a retrospective review of HCC opportunities that may have been missed at the point of care.
Think of all the extra time and money spent on HCC tasks if accurate risk adjustment isn’t done right the first time, at the point of care. When ambiguity related to the disease burden of your patient population is reduced, the result is less inquires and faxes from coders and health plans. Use the ForeSee ESP Risk Adjustment Analyzer to track the medical group’s average patient risk score and compare to the projected score. Compare the risk score of segments of your medical group to be sure you allocate resources to those care teams that take care of the sickest patients.
Patients are watching, now many carry an abbreviated version of their medical record on their mobile device. Let’s make sure that the list of diseases they see on their device really matches their clinical state. Our clinical decision support facilitates up to date and accurate disease coding. Accuracy is what we all aim for, we understand that HCC auditors are not just examining the new codes that were found, they also want to know your process for finding inappropriate or old codes. Your group's Delete Suspects report displays already used codes for which there is no clinical evidence.
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