Best Practices for RA Compliance Medicare Advantage, HCC Coding, Risk Adjustment, value-based careSteve BarthDecember 15, 2021Foresee Medical
More Medicare Advantage Options in 2022 Than Ever Medicare AdvantageSteve BarthNovember 24, 2021Foresee Medical
Obesity Rates are Rising – Are Your RAF Scores? Risk Adjustment, CMS Policy, HCC CodingSteve BarthOctober 1, 2021ForeSee Medical
Not Adjusting Medicare Advantage Benchmark Means Potential Costs to Seniors Medicare Advantage, Risk Adjustment, CMS PolicySteve BarthSeptember 13, 2021ForeSee Medical
Medicare Spending 2019 Shows CMS Spends More Per Beneficiary on Medicare Advantage CMS Policy, Medicare AdvantageSteve BarthSeptember 2, 2021ForeSee Medical
When Health Plans Need an Insurance Policy Compliance, Medicare Advantage, Risk Adjustment, HCC Coding, CMS PolicySteve BarthAugust 11, 2021Foresee Medical
A Few Words With ForeSee Medical CEO, Dr. Seth Flam Risk Adjustment, Prospective Review, Compliance, HCC CodingSteve BarthJuly 7, 2021Foresee Medical
Retrospective Chart Review Raises Concerns with Regulators Retrospective Review, ComplianceSteve BarthJune 7, 2021Foresee Medical
Dual Eligible Medicare Advantage Patients Report Fewer Disruptions in Care vs Traditional Medicare During COVID Medicare Advantage, CMS PolicySteve BarthJune 2, 2021Foresee Medical
Investment Trends in Healthcare AI Artificial Intelligence, Machine LearningSteve BarthApril 29, 2021Foresee Medical
Cures Act Information Blocking Rule Takes Effect Compliance, CMS PolicySteve BarthMarch 26, 2021Foresee Medical
Capturing HCC Opportunities with Decreased Patient Volumes HCC Coding, Risk AdjustmentSteve BarthDecember 28, 2020Foresee Medical
What is the Purpose of the Coding Intensity Adjustment? Risk Adjustment, HCC Coding, Medicare AdvantageSteve BarthNovember 30, 2020Foresee Medical
ONC's Cures Act Final Rule: First Wave Begins Compliance, CMS Policy, InteroperabilitySteve BarthOctober 14, 2020Foresee Medical
The Impact of COVID-19 on MA Payer Risk Scores Risk Adjustment, Medicare Advantage, TelehealthSteve BarthJune 16, 2020Foresee Medical
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Growth Higher for 2020 Medicare AdvantageSteve BarthMay 19, 2020Foresee Medical